Inventus blast chiller and blast freezer cabinets

Porkka’s Inventus blast chillers and blast freezers feature highly efficient and optimized rapid cooling and freezing processes.

There are many different shelving and leg options available.

A clear, colorful touchscreen, an efficient and optimized blast chilling/freezing process, and pre-set standard programs ensure smooth and quick operation.

The blast chilling process is an essential part of the food industry and restaurants, as it helps prevent bacterial growth and extends the shelf life of food products.

Blast chilling preserves the original qualities of food products as the temperature drops rapidly. This process maintains the quality of the food almost intact while also improving its shelf life!

Blast freezing, on the other hand, quickly freezes food products, where, for example, liquids in cooked foods turn into microcrystals without damaging the food’s cellular structure.

The Inventus product family includes two combination models of blast chillers and blast freezers: the Inventus BC/BF 7 and BC/BF 8.

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Blast chilling and blast freezing capacity

  • Blast chilling capacity: 30kg/90 minutes
    (GN 1/1-65, product thickness 50 mm, initial temperature +70 C, final temperature +3°C)
  • Blast freezing capacity: 25kg/2.5 hours
    (GN 1/1-65, product thickness 50 mm, initial temperature 0 C, final temperature -18°C)

Quick setup with standard programs

The blast chillers and blast freezers are available with self-contained integrated air-cooled refrigeration units and central refrigeration models.

Central refrigeration models are available for both traditional refrigerants and the rapidly growing CO2.

Standard programs such as Soft Chill, Hard Chill for blast chilling, and Soft Freeze and Hard Freeze for blast freezing enable quick setup.

The Finnish Key Flag product with a three-year guarantee

Each Inventus professional refrigeration unit is manufactured from high-quality, long-lasting components. Inventus products have been awarded the Key Flag symbol by the Association for Finnish Work. Porkka offers a three (3) year guarantee on Inventus product family items.

In the video, Kaija Saariniemi explains how Porkka’s blast chiller helps her in her daily work.

Blast chilling and blast freezing offer many advantages

  • The moisture balance of food remains almost intact, and moisture does not evaporate as it usually does from food.
  • Food waste is reduced as food products stay fresh and last longer.
  • Large quantities of food can be prepared in advance, saving time in production.
  • The need for food products can be anticipated during peak seasons and other known periods.
  • Blast chilling extends the shelf life of food and perishables.

The efficiency of Inventus BC/BF cabinets is based on the SMH process, which consists of three precisely controlled phases optimized for blast-chilled products.

  • The first phase (H) minimizes the time spent in the temperature range vulnerable to bacterial growth.
  • The second phase (M) prevents surface freezing while equalizing the internal temperature of the product at an optimal speed.
  • Finally, the gentle phase (S) ensures the set process temperature. After the cooling and freezing processes, the device switches to storage mode. All critical data is recorded for temperature self-monitoring (HACCP).

The SMH controller also has built-in connections for remote systems, making it a convenient tool for monitoring and ensuring the safety of food industry processes.

The cooling process is a critical control point in commercial food production, which is why the SMH controller is included to help set critical limits for monitoring the blast chilling process according to the HACCP program. The SMH controller comes standard with remote system connections.

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