Buffet food service equipment

The Buffet Line product category offers a comprehensive selection of food service equipment for commercial kitchens.

Cold serving eguipment. Cold wells are primarily intended for serving chilled food in GN containers. All products are also available as drop-in models for installation into counters.

Serving carts for hot foods with heat trays. All products are also available as drop-in models for installation into counters. Several special colors are also available!

The models are designed to complement hot and cold serving carts with serving and storage space. Standard models are customizable.

Plate distribution carts are available with heating elements and as neutral distributors.

The range of equipments also include other distribution carts, such as tray and beverage carts, as well as water dispensers.

Buffet serving equipment is designed and manufactured for professional use. They are inteded for serving and displaying food and beverages. Serving carts and distribution carts can be customized in a variety of ways.

Our range inludes:

  • Cold food service equipment
  • Warm food service equipment
  • Neutral food service equipment
  • Plate distribution carts
  • Other distribution carts

We provide exactly what you need!

The Buffet Line equipment is manufactured under the Festivo brand by Suomen Kotikylmiö.

Download brochure and technical specifications (in Finnish)

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Kaikki uutiset ja artikkelit

Porkka’s counter line equipment is renewed – now all models with a three-year warranty

This spring, the appearance of our counter line equipment will be renewed. At the same time, their energy efficiency will improve.

Buffet food service equipment

Cold line counters

Cold line counters for the cold storage of food and beverages at restaurants and catering facilities.